Vishnu Aishwaryan Subra Mani

Never let go of the child in you who is curious, motivated and determined to succeed no matter how many times you fail
As a kid I had a hard time focusing on my classes and completing my daily tasks for the school. So everyday after school, my mom used to sit next to me to help me learn and finish my homework. During that time, she used to prepare her notes and practice her drawings for the class that she was planning to teach the following day in a medical school where she worked as a clinical professor. Looking back I wonder now if those are the moments that I started fascinating on learning how these biological systems work together to help humans move. Ever since I’ve recognized the beauty of human anatomy.
Years later, I discovered my love for mechanical systems when I received my first bike. Unlike conventional bikes with handheld brakes, the unique design of pedaling backwards to apply brakes sparked an interest towards understanding the fundamental design. That day I realized that a mechanical system can be designed in any way to achieve a particular behavior and the designer is the person that controls it. In the following years, I started expressing interests to learn the correlation between these two distinct fields. In an attempt to understand this relationship, I decided to move abroad to create my own identity as a robotic engineer.
Ever since, I have worked on walking robots such as Rehabilitation Exoskeletons for Spinal Cord Injured Population, Augmentative Exoskeletons for Aging Population and Humanoid Robots. As days go by, I believe that my knowledge towards these topics takes me a step closer to understanding this correlation to help build mechanical systems which could replicate the naturalness of its Biological counterpart.